Back to the grindstone... maybe?
星期日, 九月 04, 2005
taking a break in a Tsinghua University garden
After running all over the place for a week, I had a very relaxing and utterly uneventful weekend, just hanging out in my room or on campus, reading, listening to music, organizing my budget (it's a huge pain to decipher Chinese receipts), returning emails, catching up with friends and family on IM and the phone, and running errands like grocery shopping.
Classes do eventually begin but it's a testament to the mess of university administration that no one knows the date this actually occurs. Chinese placement tests were last week (they were effing hard by the way, but at least you can't exactly fail a placement test). Results were given over the weekend, and we are told we will be assigned classes tomorrow morning at 8:30.
The mystery, however, is whether these assigned classes also start tomorrow. I guess I will find out in a few hours!
Relating to parts of this conversation about taxi drivers learning English, is this article. Given how Beijing taxis generally operate, I'll be stunned if I ever hear a driver actually say "we are turning left, so please fasten your seat belt" in English or Chinese.
I LOVE that article about the cabbies. I can't imagine ANY taxi driver (regardless of city or country) actually saying "We're turning left, please fasten your seat beats." But, that's good that they're trying. Your first post about the cabbies definitely scared me about the possibility of ever getting into one of those cabs.
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