New year, new post. Finally.
星期六, 一月 07, 2006
Flashcards from the semester. There are 857 in this pile.
Belated Happy New Year! I meant to post more but have been busy studying for exams, taking exams, and being bedridden with the evil chinese 感冒 flu. Let me tell you, writing an exam with a fever is no fun. Especially in Chinese.
But I am nearly fully recovered and today was the first day of my 6 week winter break! So cue trumpets and fanfare. Or rather, firecrackers.
Full update regarding my fun New Years Day to follow once I no longer require ibuprofen to get through a day. In the meantime, here's a piece explaining Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard. Aside from the occassional exaggeration, the article is pretty much covers the trials and tribulations of learning this language. And again I ask myself: why am I putting myself through all this again??