The Forbidden City 故宫
星期二, 五月 02, 2006
At the gates of the Forbidden City
Notes about the Forbidden City
- there are lots and lots of tourists...
- ... but crowds don't seem so bad inside massive courtyards
- the biggest most impressive hall, the Hall of Supreme Harmony, is completely closed for restoration.
- in lieu of the actual building, the structure is covered with a giant tarp printed with a massive picture of the hall. I kid you not.
- the English audioguide costs twice as much as the Chinese audioguide
- the infamous Forbidden City Starbucks really is smack in the middle of the complex. It is quite crowded.
- the frappuccino tastes just like back home. But prices are cheaper. Ah, globalization.
- If you look foreign (ie. white), a "chinese arts student" will come up to you and make a tourist kitsch sales pitch.
- wear comfy shoes. This place is BIG.
- after a while, all the buildings look the same.
- photos are here