星期四, 九月 22, 2005
Confucius overseeing the basketball courts
Ugh. I tried to drop my elective on character radicals and development this morning only to be informed that I have missed the add/ drop deadline last week - two weeks after the start of classes. I had misunderstood the deadline to mean two weeks after the student adds the course, which would be this week since I didn't add the elective until the second week of classes.
Problem is the teaching pace is far too slow. My listening skills are apparently better than other students at my level so I easily follow the teacher while other students look confused in class. This means that the teacher has to sl-ow down, simplify, and repeatrepeatrepeat her speech in order for everyone to understand. So as interesting as the material may be, enduring the two hour class makes me want to poke my eyes out. And the course is entirely lecture-based.
As no amount of explaining or pleading can get me out of the class I was told my options are 1) don’t attend or take the final exam and accept that I will fail the course, or 2) attend classes every now and then and take the final exam for the sake of passing. Haven’t decided what to do yet; option one is tempting but involves overcoming my inner academic overachiever. But really, my BLCU grades don’t count towards anything in the grander scheme of Life so why not?
Another bother: each dorm room only has one set of keys. Even if two people live in the room. The idea is that the last person to leave the room drops off the keys at the front desk and whoever returns first can pick up the keys there. This system falls apart when a person already in the room locks the other one out and falls asleep – which is what my roommate tends to do. She also sleeps all the time (it is 3:00pm and she is still asleep. This is typical behavior. I don’t understand how she remains fast asleep as she neither stays up late nor goes out at night). My insistent knocking usually wakes her up long enough to stumble to the door to let me in, much like someone responding to a pet dog scratching at the door. However, this morning she was sleeping so soundly that I had to find a custodian to let me into the room. I want to steal the key to make my own copy but I can’t even find where in the room my roommate has put the key right now. Sad!