Quotes I
星期三, 九月 28, 2005
Chris and Craig waiting for the bus from BLCU to Zhongguancun
"it's culture shock: their culture is foreign to me and it's shocking"
– Craig
"this is the first place in Beijing I've seen where people line up"
"yeah, that’s because this is a line of foreigners"
- Craig and me waiting for a residence permit at the Immigration Office
"my mom asked if I visited Chinatown"
- Chris
"want to buy dvdscdsvcds?" – hawkers everywhere
And Chinglish at it's finest, spoken by everyone:
* I have to 复习 fuxi (review/ study) this afternoon
* We have a 考试 kaoshi (test) on Friday
* Do you want 一瓶水 yi ping shui (a bottle of water)?
* I want 担担面 dan dan mian (spicy noodles)