Four things...
星期六, 二月 04, 2006
Me, me! On the Great Wall
I've been tagged to fill out a meme.
Sidenote: Even though the word meme is pronounced "meem" (rhymes with steam), I always mentally read it as "me-me" because they usually ask about things concerning ME! Anyway...
Four jobs I've had:
Resident Advisor
Head Resident - basically being a Hall Director
Research Assistant (another RA acronym)
Hostel front desk staff
Four Movies I can watch over and over:
School of Rock
Love Actually
Four Places I've Lived:
Hong Kong
Washington DC
Four TV shows I love:
South Park
HBO's Rome
Law and Order: SVU
Four places I've vacationed:
South Africa
Four of my favorite dishes:
Scrambled eggs
Charsiu rice (叉烧饭)
Spaghetti Carbonara
Four sites I visit daily:
New York Times
Four places I would rather be right now:
Anywhere Craig happens to be, but ideally the Haunted House ride in Disneyworld.
In a quiet snowglobe, meaning a room with a view of falling snow
Ithaca in the summer
Washington DC
Four people I'm tagging to do this too/slightly alienating:
Chris because I want him to highlight what he likes to eat!
Heather who may be a big important accountant but is still up for filling out frivolous things like this.
Chrissy because she enjoys procrastinating
Craig who should reply in the comments of this post because he has no blog.
Haha. I'm not really a big important accountant.... just a little accountant (though by the end of '06, I'll be supervising newer accountants). Either way, I'll totally fill it out... check out my xanga. :)
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