星期日, 二月 19, 2006
With classmates at Lao She Teahouse (and me being uncharacteristically Asian-cutesy)
I just read Chris's latest post about returning to Beijing and how very strange it is to realize that such a crazy/wonderful/awful city has been home for the past five months. I'm experiencing a twinge of mixed feelings about going back:
On one hand I wonder how I'm going to put up with Beijing for five more months: the hordes of people, the shoving to get on and off the subway, the suffocating smog, the bureaucracy, having to bargain for bloody everything, the squat toilets, the terror of speaking an unfamiliar language and the frustrations of being unable to communicate...
On the other hand I can't believe that I'm going to be in Beijing ONLY for five more months: being in the presence of great history (the Great Wall, the Summer Palace), international classmates (Japan, Turkey, and North Korea anyone?), bicycling everywhere, Muslim bread, the hub-bub of markets, the exhilaration of being understood - and actually having conversations in Mandarin.
When I told my Cornell mandarin teacher I was going to Beijing for a year, she remarked that spending time in China will be one of my best decisions ever. It's certainly been that way so far. And with many goals left to tackle (such as apartment-hunting part deux and more travelling), I'm sure the next few months will be just as challenging and rewarding... bring it on!