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Five Guilty Pleasures

星期一, 三月 27, 2006

lanterns for sale at Panjiayuan

Still sorting through Xi'an photos... but in the meanwhile, I've been tagged by Heather to list five of my guilty pleasures.

1. I agree with Heather's "food in general" remark, but specifically I have to say diner breakfasts. Mmmm, bring on the eggs, homefries, and pancakes.

2. Playing Bejeweled on my palm pilot in class instead of paying attention. Most addictive game since Snood.

3. Five words: Pink Is The New Blog

4. Buying pirated DVDs. I justify the purchase by telling myself they only cost the equivalent of US$1, but really, that same money could also cover lunch for two days at the school dining hall. (It's sad that the guilty part comes from the money spent and not from the DVDs being pirated!)

5. Facebook and Friendster stalking. You know you do it too.

I tag Chris and Jenn (assuming she reads this)!

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